Tuesday, July 29, 2014

#ReviewShare #SciFi #Fantasy - The Soul of the World by Joshua Silverman @JG_Silverman

The Soul of the World (Legends of Amun Ra, #2)The Soul of the World by Joshua Silverman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a real treat. As with most books the plot boils down to the battle between good and evil in this story. I found that the writing style used really magnified the events as they unfolded, every decision and scene felt important. The world that the characters inhabit is a dark one, this makes the presence of danger feel constant meaning simmering suspense is with you as you read.

The POV element added by the author really was an inspired move, it allows you to really experience the hardships and battles the characters are facing which heightens your attachment to them. I was impressed by the fact you actually witness the growth of the characters as the story progresses, the amazing events that take place would have an effect on anyone so to see the characters change and develop is a really clever touch.

There is certainly enough adventure and excitement to satisfy even the most demanding of fans and overall, I came away from this book with a feeling of pleasure, I enjoyed it from start to finish and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to other readers.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads UK Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation for my book review. This book review is based on my thoughts, opinion and understanding of the book. This book review does not reflect the opinion of other book club members.

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