Friday, August 9, 2013

Author Interview – Lucas Heath

What marketing works for you? Word of mouth has, so far, been the best form of marketing. That’s how I’ve made most of my sales. Now I’m trying to advertise my book through a blog tour, to reach those who I couldn’t through word of mouth.

Do you find it hard to share your work? It’s not easy displaying your work for the entire world to see and criticize. It is great knowing some people like it, but deep down, there’s that concern of someone coming by and degrading what you’ve put many hours into. It’s not hard sharing my work, but it’s not easy.

Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you? My family and friends do indeed support me in this endeavor. They all have their honest constructive criticisms which help make me a better writer.

Do you plan to publish more books? I do plan on publishing more books! BoX is only the beginning. I have a trilogy I am currently writing that I plan on getting published in the future.

What else do you do to make money, other than write? It is rare today for writers to be full-time… I hope to get to the point where I can support myself with my writing, but I’m not going to set unreasonable expectations. I work as a security guard full time at the moment. When I move to Georgia in the next couple of months, I’m not sure what I’m going to do! It will be another awesome adventure!

What other jobs have you had in your life? I’ve either worked in customer service, or as a security guard. I haven’t had a lot of jobs.

If you could study any subject at a university, what would you pick? I would probably pick psychology. There has always been something about the mind that fascinates me.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Honestly, I don’t really know where I would want to live. I love traveling, so staying in one place for too long wouldn’t be ideal for me. I would like to live near friends and family and travel around the world.


How far would you go to save yourself? Would you compromise your religion, morals, or integrity to avoid death?

Twenty-seven people wake up to discover they are imprisoned in isolation cubes. They are forced to endure multiple trials in an experiment designed to test the limits of human nature.

In each cube is a pistol. During any test an individual can use the gun to end the torment and take their own life. In doing so, they believe the test would immediately end for everyone and potentially save the lives of others.

Would you lay down your life to save another? Would you pass the tests?

It’s the ultimate trial for human nature and the will to stay alive.

Would you survive the experiment?

This story is a novella, at around 100 pages, or 26000 words.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre –  Thriller / SciFi

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

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