Those Review Blues …
by Angelina Rose
According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia… “a book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed on content, style, and merit…”
For many authors, reviews are the most terrifying part of releasing their book out into the big wide world. Once the send button on a submission to a publisher or agent is hit, their book is out there, finding its way to one and all (we hope).
Reviews are important enough for some people to earn a living from… they’re a necessary part of publishing a book. Nowadays though, through the use of the internet, anyone of any age and, maybe it can also be said, with any axe to grind, can write a review on your book.
One important aspect to always remember is that each and every review is one person’s opinion only. And this opinion is certainly going to be colored by both their conscious and unconscious biases. It is also going to reflect their beliefs and values… none of us can escape our interpretation and view of life.
Statistics also reveal, there will always be a group of people who will not like, even hate your book. Let’s hope that is a small number… but they will always be there.
What do I think makes a good review?
Not all reviews are equal…
- There are those containing a handful of words that tell you nothing. They just say the book was a good read or maybe a waste of time: they don’t tell you why.
- When a reader, or I should say a reviewer, makes their personal biaz clear when giving a review, I take what they say seriously. At least they are honest enough to admit to what colors their viewpoint.
- A review sounding like a book description only shows the reviewer read the book and which part of the story they enjoyed.
- Some quality reviews are not positive reviews. These are the ones that I really give my attention to (once I get over the ego hit). They give a different view of my work and I chose to learn from these critiques.
If a reviewer can put into words what it was about your book that grabbed their imagination, or maybe didn’t grab their imagination, this then gives readers the ability to decide for themselves.
Getting over a negative review.
I actually read we need three positive reviews to negate the effect on us of one negative review. Apparently our brain is programmed to react much more strongly to negative stimuli than positive ones.
In other words, before reading your reviews, make sure you have some of your favorite chocolate on hand to help you celebrate a great review, or pick you up after a negative one.
Whether we like it or not, it’s a fact your book will receive some negative reviews, but its worth remembering a review is the opinion of only one person in the whole wide-world…
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Genre - Romance Contemporary
Rating – PG
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