What contributes to making a writer successful? Patience, perseverance, thick skin, and an understanding of what makes people tick. Also, in this day and age, a strong business sense.
Do you have any advice for writers? Yes, get over yourself. You’re nothing special, you’re a writer, like everyone else. So get to work like the rest of America.
What do you do to unwind and relax? Text-Twist.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing? I got to ride in a WWI-era biplane when I was a reporter. Also got to have a dugout conversation with a Cy Young winner (that was Sparky Lyle).
What is your favorite quality about yourself? I have almost no external ego. My self-image is not affected for better or worse based on what anyone thinks of me. That doesn’t mean I want to hear about it, it just means people have no real effect on my sense of identity.
What is your least favorite quality about yourself? I’m lazy.
Did writing this book teach you anything and what was it? Not so much teach as reinforce a few things. Mainly the idea that there are good people out there, willing to help and make sacrifices. Cinta Garcia has been a particularly avid supporter of this project and I can’t thank her enough.
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Genre – Literature / Fiction Poetry Anthologies
Rating – PG
More details about Ben Ditmars, Scott Morgan, Amber Jerome-Norrgard & the book
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